We focus exclusively on pediatric issues to address the unique professional interests of physicians who care for children. Read More
Physician Satisfaction
Our job is to make your job easier and more fulfilling. One way we do that is to facilitate sharing of best practices between you, your peers and your support staff. We value your voice and your point of view.
Physician Meetings
Monthly physician meetings provide a forum for discussing care initiatives, reviewing research and more.
Office Manager Meetings
Monthly office manager meetings often focus on Pay for Performance (P4P) initiatives, billing and coding, and EMR issues.
Care Manager Meetings
Quarterly care manager meetings provide an opportunity to explore care access and coordination.

We support independent pediatric practices with infrastructure typically available only to much larger organizations. Read More
Empowering Practices
We are the voice of independent practices, advocating for new models and care systems that improve the lives of our patients. Our programs adhere to the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model, which drives significant reforms in healthcare delivery. Promoting these standards—including Electronic Health Records (EHR)—helps members deliver better care, cultivate patient relationships and capture savings.
Care Initiatives
Based on member input, we develop clinical programs and processes that can be easily integrated into practices.
Group Contracts
We leverage member unity to secure favorable terms with insurers, vaccine providers and other suppliers.
Community Partnerships
We collaborate with community resources to give members easy access to data, research, pilot programs and more.

We help physicians and practices improve the quality and outcomes of the care they deliver to patients and families. Read More
Healthy Kids
Everything we do is aimed at helping members improve the health of children in their communities. Here are just three examples of health-impacting programs embraced by our members.
Asthma Support
WAFC funds the certification of an asthma champion in each member practice, improving quality and consistency of care.
Nutritional Support
A registered dietitian visits each member practice for 3 hours every week, consulting with patients and families to address elevated BMI and other nutritional concerns.
Breastfeeding Support
A lactation consultant spends 3-4 hours/week in each member practice, supporting new moms with instruction and advice.